Awkward social habits

So I’m sitting in my car on a Friday night near my favourite burger place. I need this burger NEED it, but here I am sitting in my fucking car.

I’m not crazy, well at least not completely but the guy I’m somewhat seeing works not far up, and he might possibly be on this street.

I’m hiding because if we bump into each other he will assume I’m stalking him because he knows full well that I know full well he worked tonight.

So I’m having a bit of a dilemma.. Stay and wait it out or initiate stealthy operation burger asap…

Oh god I’m pathetic, this is not normal I’m not normal, apologies.

Wish me luck (and sanity)
Love,  Em.


One thought on “Awkward social habits

  1. I think it’s okay when a girl stalks a guy. You can’t rape us (guys), so we’re not afraid of you. The worst you can be is annoying if he doesn’t like you, but if he does like you I don’t see the problem.

    Hamburgers and red meat in general, by the way, increases your risk of cancer. Then again, so does fried chicken. Fast food is garbage.

    Boiled or baked chicken, turkey, or fish are the best sources of protein. (But some fish is high in mercury, which is another concern.)


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